locate the alternator.
disconnect the battery - negative (ground) wire first - VERY important.
unplug the connector(s) at the alternator.
Remove the bolts (usually one above and one below) holding the alternator in place.
Un thread the alternator from the belt.
Remove, take to auto-parts store to trade for replacement.I need to know how to change alternator on a 1994 ford probe?Your best bet if you do not know how already is to buy a Chilton's manuel, they are sold at almost all auto parts stores and more than likey, you will use it more than you think. However, it should just be disconnect the battery, discount the wiring harness going to the alternator, unbolt the alternator and take off the belt off of it, then do the reverse to put it back on. But I would still get the Chilton's.I need to know how to change alternator on a 1994 ford probe?Alternators are pretty simple... I've done them on a Probe GT but you never said which probe, pretty much the same either way though...
-Disconnect neg. battery cable
-Raise and support the passenger side of the car
-Remove the passenger wheel
-Remove the plastic splash sheld on the passenger side, few screw fasteners and 10mm bolts
-Remove the alternator belt
--Locate the idler pulley (the one that is JUST a pulley, nothing else)
--Loosen the pulley bolt
--Turn the long bolt going through the pulley bracket to loosen the belt
--Remove the belt
-Remove the wire harness from the front side of the alternator
-Remove the ground wire from the front side of the alternator (it's a nut that should be covered with a plastic shield)
-Remove the 2(maybe 3?) bolts holding the alternator
-Remove the alternator from underneath the car
Install is just reverse of that. Getting it out can be a pain, I think on my old GT I took the A/C compressor off of it's bracket and supported it to the side so that I had a little more room. Hope it helpsI need to know how to change alternator on a 1994 ford probe?the car is not worth the cost of a new alternator... i say junk that ford